Monthly Archives: February 2022

Gratitude for Power, Hope, and Optimism in a Song

As I watch the horror of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, I am deeply moved by the people singing. So often during times of despair throughout history we hear “group sing”, i.e., we saw people singing together in Italy across their balconies, through activism when marching during civil rights, after terrible tragedies of bombings or mass shootings, as well as when inspired by grand speeches in town squares.

What is it, I wonder, about “the Song” to bond people together, to give promise, to inspire in the face of hopelessness?

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So Grateful For Celebrations of 2.22.22 Day Today!

Oh what a happy day we have experienced from the News people on TV, to my computer that sprays confetti every time I type in the sequence of 2’s, to the special articles online and descriptions of this “Tuesday’s” significance! I have learned so much about numbers today! One explanation is within an article in by Shereen Campbell (Feb. 18, 2022). Credit for the video image below by Adobe.Design: Cierra Miller/stylecaster.

Shereen writes in numerology the 222 sequence are Angel Numbers.

I like that concept as I like Angels.

Take a look at Campbell’s article to learn about “energy”, “partnership”, “balance”, “acceptance”, “compassion,” “cooperation”, “harmony”, and “compromise”. These are fantastic attributes for an individual to have as they journey to gratitude. Shereen states, “choose to use the last days of this magical 222 energy like a portal to channel all the love and hope you can. For yourself first, and then for others.”

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Gratitude For Clarity Re: Tooth Pain Management

Last week my tooth started to ache. I tried Acetaminophen then Ibuprofen tablets… a little relief. During the weekend the pain increased from a one to a ten… the earlier tablets provided no relief. My brother suggested I take an antibiotic in case I was developing an infection. I took only one pill … immediate relief!

On Monday, I went to a dentist who immediately sent me to an Endodontist. When that doctor asked which tooth? I reported that every tooth in my mouth and head and more seemed to be painful over the weekend, but one antibiotic pill seemed to give me immediate relief. He said, “that is the tell-tale sign of a bacterial infection!” He showed me an image similar to the one featured above.

See the tooth (in above image) marked with the ‘red’? You will also see the nerve from that single tooth goes to a main nerve branch and the consequence may be pain throughout your mouth, jaw, sinuses, eyes, head, and beyond! Wow… at that moment, I was so grateful for a new understanding and differentiation of tooth pain. The image looked like a skull with little worms climbing all over it. It reminded me of a horror film. I was stunned at the pain caused from one tooth to one nerve and all the branches from such. I get it!

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Guide to Gratitude

Let me express my sincere gratitude to each of you for continuing to follow my “Guide to Gratitude” through The featured image above is my hand drawn idea for this site that I sketched in February of 2021 when this site was launched.

I selected the term “gratitudesquared” because I believe that “gratitude” is multiplied when shared and experienced, and such has certainly been the case through this site. To date, after 174 posts, 6,759 views, and with 3,004 different visitors, and 128 followers throughout 64 countries, we (you with me) are sharing “gratitude” around us wherever we may live. I am so deeply touched by your comments, emails, texts, and conversations with me. Thank you.

If you look at my hand drawn idea above, you will see that when one gives “gratitude to another” it is a gentle exchange, a gift, something great or grand, may be God sent through all his/her glory, when two or more people gather together.

Further, that act of “giving gratitude” is often gleeful, gracious, grounded in some emotion, may cause growth on each other’s part, may be compared and contrasted with growing a garden of gratitude, and may be overseen and sent by God from one to another to accomplish a known or unknown purpose or goal.

Just think about that!

Gratitude is a free gift that we exchange with each other!

What have we learned about “Gratitude” within only one year? We have learned that gratitude is deeply personal and also shared. Gratitude may be fleeting or long lasting. Gratitude may be serious or fun. Gratitude stems from our moral values at times, but also emerges from momentary pleasure at other times.

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With Gratitude For The Grotto Of Lourdes, Bernadette, and Our Lady Mary, 11th February 1858 to 2022 On

During the weekend of August 23, 2019, I had the opportunity to visit the Sanctuary of Lourdes in Lourdes France, where pilgrims and visitors, and the most vulnerable persons in our communities regularly have visited for 164 years, celebrating the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to the young girl, Bernadette (See the movie, The Song of Bernadette to learn the story). Today we celebrate this World Day of the Sick, as in 1993 Pope John Paul II established this Day at the Grotto where so many people find comfort and peace.

Please join me as we celebrate this Day each year on 11th February, with Gratitude.

Today Celebrate The World Day of the Sick, with Gratitude


I’m So Grateful for Pumpkin. It Healed Me!

For the past two days I could not keep anything in my stomach. I vomited everything I ate multiple times. It was horrible. My mom’s friend suggested I should eat pumpkin so I did. First, I started with a simple teaspoon, then a tablespoon, then I mixed pumpkin with a bit of food, and a bit more. Yeah….. I am so grateful for pumpkin. It healed my stomach. With gratitude… Thank you pumpkin!


I’m So Grateful To My Mother

Today my mother would have been 97 years old. She was an amazing woman from a time gone by, yet her ideas and beliefs are so relevant to today. I feel so fortunate that she was my mother! Also, as I grow older, I realize how precious time is and how fast life moves for each of us. On my journey to “Gratitude” I need to constantly remind myself to “stop and smell the roses”, and to “make note of each day”. My mother’s poetry reminds me of this. Her poems titled, “Tomorrow Is Not Promised”, and “Do Not Hold a Hurt or Grudge”, as well some of the lines in her poetry, “I would not be blue because of you” and on and on teach us about Gratitude.

Recently, with my son’s help, we put my mother’s poetry online for everyone to see and listen to as my mom was videotaped reading some of her poetry. This is our free gift to all of you. Simply go to and in the Table of Contents look for those poems marked (video) to see and hear Marian Elsie Blake in person.

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Grateful For Warmth of Fire

Today a powerful winter snow and ice storm is sweeping across the United States with record snow falls and dangerous weather conditions such that there are power outages, businesses are closed, and cities are in a state of emergency. As we watch the weather reports and prepare for emergency situations in our homes, I am grateful for fire generated from candles, or fireplaces burning wood, gas, propane or other.

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