Category Archives: nature

Grateful for Clean Air

Watching the Ohio residents still in fear after the toxic chemical spill when the train derailed with so many hazardous materials (vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate, ethylene glycol mono butyl ether, and isobutylene) reminds us that our air is typically clean and safe for us to breathe and never worry about each day. This train accident, the burning of the chemicals, and countless residents begging for help for their children breaks my heart daily.

Imagine a time when you don’t feel safe to open your windows, go outside for a walk or run, or let your children play on a playground or community park! Consider the fear of serious illnesses in the future when the trail accident is long forgotten. Remember many people have COPD and asthma, or are on oxygen.

Our air is taken for granted by most of us. With this train accident, we are reminded to be grateful for the clean air all around us. Don’t take air for granted! People in war, near toxic waste dumps, next to accidents with chemicals, those working in large companies dealing with a variety of types of chemical use, or who are near city dumps, can not afford to take air for granted, yet they do everyday, without choice. They are forced to live in the air around them. They constantly advocate for cleaner, safer air for their loved ones. Sometimes they are successful; sometimes not. Many suffer the consequences many years later with poor health, and serious illnesses.

Don’t take air for granted! Be grateful for clean air!


Grateful For Faithfulness

While I was receiving chemotherapy yesterday, I was listening to Carrie Underwood sing the old hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, and I was looking out the window at the beautiful mountains, and sky, and fields. I started to cry when I focused on the word “Faithfulness”. It is really such a wonderful concept, isn’t it? My mind wondered to all that is faithful in our lives:

  • I believe that God is Faithful to me/us not only during tough times, but good times as well. I recall my father, a Baptist minister of more than 60 years, so faithful to his church members, as well as so faithful to God, never wavering from his beliefs.
  • My oncology doctor is faithful to my care. He and his PA stopped by to check on me yesterday during my 10 hours of infusions. His kind gesture made me happy. He knows I want to stop for a while to rest, but he is ever faithful to helping me live, as possible.
  • People, who are in serious relationships or marriages, are faithful to each other. Faithfulness is the foundation on which those communions of love are based.
  • More generally, we believe that our bosses, our jobs, our various work projects will faithfully pay us every two weeks, or once a month, etc. We trust in that faithfulness.
  • Regarding nature, we trust that the sun will rise each morning, and the moon will appear each evening, faithfully.
  • Furthermore, we trust in the faithfulness of our city transportation services like buses, trains, planes, and ships. During the recent pandemic disturbances in supply chains were impacted when we could no longer trust in such systems.
  • Finally, we generally have trust in the faithfulness of our personal health, our bodies… until they break down…

Faithfulness is such a necessary concept on which we depend daily, without even thinking. Faithfulness is great, until it is gone. Faithfulness feels good, until it is broken. Faithfulness is a promise from God; is a given. It should never be taken for granted. Therefore, GREAT is thy Faithfulness is such an important construct for us to value and cherish and appreciate. What do you think?


So Grateful For Beauty Above: Look Up More Often

The other day I was raking leaves and picking up after my dog. I realized I have a habit of looking down more often than looking up! As I was carefully carrying the leaves to dump, my eye caught the sky, and it was so beautiful. I paused and grabbed my camera.

I’ve been reflecting on what I might say within this post:

  • Looking up takes our minds closer to Heaven
  • Looking up reveals the multiple colors of the sky, changing throughout the time of day
  • Looking up probably helps with our neck and improves our posture
  • Looking up might minimize the number of accidental falls, trips, and stumbles
  • Looking up has recently been connected to cell phones, crossing streets, etc.

Bottom line: look up more often! I think you will enjoy the views.


Focus on the Complexity of Water – Multiple Dimensions

Water has so many different purposes and applications. We are reminded of the power of water this week in Florida with hurricane IAN. Water is special as it is critical for:

  • sacred religious rituals like Baptisms, blessings, prayers, births and deaths
  • life as one cannot live very many days without water
  • production of power for utilities
  • cooling systems as in air conditioning
  • cleaning one’s body and clothing
  • sporting events like surfing, paddle boarding, skiing, kayaking, canoeing, boating
  • transportation as in cruising, transporting goods and services around the world

Water makes up the composition of most of the cells in our bodies. Blessed water is changed when one studies the angle at which our molecules connect.

Water is often so beautiful and scenic which is why people love to go to the beach and to live near the beach or lake front, riverside, or even on a pond in the country.

Water is not static but may be dynamic as in a water fall which ripples or roars as in Niagara Falls.

This week find gratitude in studying the complexity and multiple dimensions of water. Its beauty, but power is never ending. IAN reminds us that water should not be taken for granted as it may surge, rise, suck one under, drown, bury, and destroy.

Given the full scope, range, and power of water, give gratitude for water as it is a life form that is dynamic, necessary, and ever changing.


I am SO Grateful for the Giraffe

Today is the World Day of the Giraffe. I love giraffes, those large African mammals with long necks, and brown patches separated by lighter lines like fingerprints. I had the opportunity to see multiple herds of giraffes running in the wild in South Africa. I will never forget their grace and beauty in their natural habitat.

Giraffes are gregarious. One may often find them in feeding areas with humans feeding them by hand. They seem to be social animals. I love their long necks (the longest of all animals), and their big soft looking round eyes. I do not know why, but I just love giraffes. I love the way the mothers care for their offspring.

When I returned from South Africa and first observed a giraffe in a zoo, I felt so sad. They no longer had the open spaces to gracefully run and play. They had a limited selection of trees from which to select their food. I can hardly go to a zoo now to visit a giraffe, as I feel so sad that they must live in captivity so humans may look at them.

Giraffes are beautiful animals. I have deep gratitude for the giraffe. Enjoy the pics!


I’m Grateful I Learned About The #SpiritofPlace After a Visit to the #Pontdel’AlmaTunnel in Paris, France

Have you ever visited a special place where you experienced a memory or learned about a historical event? As I grow older, I am discovering many “special places” in my life: my mother’s gardens, an outdoor wedding spot, a fun family reunion memory from childhood, a loved one’s grave, a walkway where great men/women passed…. my little doggie playing in the bushes… What places are special or sacred to you?

Recently, I learned about the concept of #SpiritofPlace when I was reading about #water. Many religious practices recognize locations as significant and it is through that context that I am learning. Due to an illness I had an opportunity to go to Lourdes, France and on the way there, I passed through Paris, France and asked my driver to take me to the tunnel where Princess Diana died – the #Pontdel’AlmaTunnel. I was so moved to see the exact spot where her car crashed, and she lost her life.

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Grateful For Seasonal Delights of Autumn And Fall

I love the Autumn and Fall Season and unfortunately it is already about over again this year. The colors are beautiful as the leaves change. The air smells fresh and crisp, especially in the early mornings and evenings. The seasonal foods like pumpkin and spices and soups and breads remind me of years past with family. The holiday seasons begin with Halloween and move to Thanksgiving as winter approaches. It is just a fun time of year, e.g., hayrides, ghosts, haunted houses, even raking leaves, playing in the leaf piles, and more.

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Fall Is Coming Soon: Continue With Gratitude

The Times, they are changing: Pandemic outcomes continue to go up and down. Variants continue to emerge. People are still seemingly unsettled. Health issues, death and dying, and unknowns are still reported. A war has ended. Fires and hurricanes continue. What are you to do during these crazy days to keep yourself in a State of Gratitude? How is it possible to remain joyful?

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Gratitude For Nature’s Beauty

When life feels stressful I like to go outside and walk or drive and breathe in nature’s beauty. I have many family members and friends right now who are experiencing extreme stress with breakups in relationships, serious health problems, consequences from the virus, fear of going outside, and on and on. Today, I want to share some beautiful photos to give you peace and calm, and harmony with nature.

During trying times, practicing gratitude helps me. I hope these photos help you to focus on something beyond your immediate issues.

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Give Gratitude For Trees

Two very old mature Palm Trees were removed from the neighborhood yesterday. It was a big event. People took photos and made movies as the old trees came down. It was sort of sad somehow as these two trees had filled the sky for many years.

I looked up the subject of “trees” and how they contribute to our lives in honor of these old friends:

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