Monthly Archives: August 2021

Gratitude For Marine Rev. Robert Blake and Wife

I believe we must remain in a State of Gratitude these days even in the midst of the pandemic, the hurricane, the ending of the 20 year war, the murder of service men and women, the fires, the arguments over masks, and on and on…

Recently, I talked about #portals opening briefly in our lives, and closing just as quickly. Over the last few days I wondered what kind of portal opened up this week? It seems the news is all bad.

I reflected on what makes me continue to believe in gratitude in spite of everything? In fact, one site I view daily is #gratitudemakestheattitude. I was drawn to an old video my son made for my father’s celebration of his 90th birthday and I share it with you today.

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Gratitude For Nature’s Beauty

When life feels stressful I like to go outside and walk or drive and breathe in nature’s beauty. I have many family members and friends right now who are experiencing extreme stress with breakups in relationships, serious health problems, consequences from the virus, fear of going outside, and on and on. Today, I want to share some beautiful photos to give you peace and calm, and harmony with nature.

During trying times, practicing gratitude helps me. I hope these photos help you to focus on something beyond your immediate issues.

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Grateful For Each Family Member

These times are tough. The virus is disrupting our lives. Many people are troubled with serious, deadly illnesses. Years of relationships are breaking up. People are in pain.

When I look at this old family photo, I am reminded that the entire back/top row of my family is already gone. They have passed away. Only myself and my brother (in bottom row) remain. How does that make me feel? Sad, but reflective on life. What have I done with my life? Have I been a helpful, loving member of my family as well as my community, and society? With my remaining years, how might I become more giving, helpful, a better listener to all others, more contributing, kinder, more sensitive to “hear” the pains and frustrations of others, more understanding, more selfless, more decisive in helping other persons move through their various pains of life with illness or with loved ones?

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Grateful for Gentle Giant Dog Friend

I have an amazing dog, Augustino, who believes he’s a lap dog. He can change from a loving puppy to an alert, protective watch dog in an instant. His DNA kicks in to guard his owner and property, yet with me he is playful, fast on his fast, loves to play ball, and entertain himself for hours with toys and a bucket. In the swimming pool, he pulls me to safety whenever I leave the side of the pool. He is simply pure joy and affection each and every day.

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I’m Grateful For Sunglasses

I love to people watch at the beach as often as possible. But, the California sunshine is sometimes too bright so I have to close my eyes. Lately, I solved my problem with these sunglasses and hat.

Thank God for this discovery. Now I can continue to people watch all day long!

Even dogs have gratitude!


Give Gratitude For Trees

Two very old mature Palm Trees were removed from the neighborhood yesterday. It was a big event. People took photos and made movies as the old trees came down. It was sort of sad somehow as these two trees had filled the sky for many years.

I looked up the subject of “trees” and how they contribute to our lives in honor of these old friends:

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Gratitude Is An Emotion Causing One To Give

Currently I have so many people around me who are seriously ill: a dear friend with blood cancer, and large masses throughout all the organs in her chest; a relative about to have a permanent peg feeding tube (never to eat or drink by mouth again); a friend about to have a double mastectomy; a relative needing to repair a cleft palate again so he may eat normally; and so it goes with so many various and differing health problems. My reaction to each of these individuals is “what might I do to help you?” “What might I say to provide support and encouragement to you?” Personally, I am not sure that I have the proper background and knowledge to offer help, yet they contact me regularly so perhaps my “listening” to their fears and anxieties is of some assistance.

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Gratitude, The Brain, Morality, Group Behavior

Those of you following my posts will note that I love to study gratitude in addition to feeling it and watching others practice and talk about being grateful. The study of gratitude will take years to fully understand all the dimensions, traits, and states. My purpose is to excite you, influence your thinking, invite you to reflect, and please you with various examples of joyful gratitude. Once in a while I will take you a bit deeper into an understanding of what it means to be grateful. Today is such a posting, which is why I label this particular blog as #gratitudeultra.

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Gratitude For Water

Water serves so many different purposes in our life. Sometimes I think we take it for granted. We know that we need water for life! Water is important in religious ceremonies. Water is necessary in sanitation. Water is important for our health. Water gives us pleasure through swimming, boating, surfing, fishing, and much more. I feel so much gratitude for water!

This video focuses on the soothing sounds of the ocean waves for our gratitude moment for today. This author has commented in other earlier YOUTUBE videos on the believed healing properties for water. There are links to the earlier videos below.

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